Thursday, July 16, 2009

Laugh of the day

Now, I'm not one of those jerks who backbite people even in their deaths. But this video was just the most hilarious thing I've ever seen for this day.

This is a video of Michael Jackson getting his hair on fire (it starts at 0:47 so just go there directly) because of the fireworks that went off too early.

He still hadn't noticed and kept on dancing at the stage with his curly hair ablaze. The production crew jumped on him and put the fire out.

He ended up with a half-bald, half-scalding scalp with that funny-looking pinkish gleam on his head.

P.S. I hope Michael Jackson doesn't haunt me in my dreams after this. Toodles.

1 comment:

  1. I goddamn hope he haunts you so that I can sleep peacefully at night without your late night calls.


Thanks for peeking inside my closet! You rule!